Create a place you’re looking forward to each day—and can enjoy in any season or climate. At its heart is a sleek showpiece, the Primo II luxury linear gas fireplace. Tailor the look to fit your decor. Choose low or no heat. Then kick back with family or friends at a time when rest and rejuvenation have never been more important.
Direct Vent Technology: Removes any fumes or combustion exhaust efficiently and effectively from your home.
Safesurface Glass: Double-pane glass to keep heat away without a screen providing the best view of the flame.
LED Multi-Colored Firebed Lighting: Creates high-contrast, brilliant lighting in a chosen hue or continuously cycles through colors.
Low Heat Output: Enjoy year-round comfort with the Primo II linear gas fireplace and its trailblazing control for low or no heat.
Uncompromised Design: Bring sheet rock, wood panels or other heat-sensitive materials right up to the opening of the fireplace.